Updates. Updates. Updates.
So after much deliberation over the past two/three days, I have decided to full redesign the way I do my blog posts, not only will I feature Beauty, Makeup, Baking but I will also feature Lifestyle posts, Fashion posts and Travel posts also.
I have always loved fashion and travelling so I thought I should start to incorporate it into my blog. I have wanted to do it for quite a while but I was just never happy with the initial outcome so my recent blog posts some of them haven't had my heart in it when writing them.
I am very excited that the blog posts that are all scheduled are amazing and I am truly in love with them, I could not be happier with the way I wrote them, the pictures that were taken and the style and effort that was put into them as well.
Not only has my blog had a new makeover, my Instagram is in full transition mode into a new theme and layout. It looks amazing, if I do say so my self. So once the following has built a little bit on there, I will be closing my old account ready with my new one.
Not only is Instagram having a do over, I have now finished uploading my old videos, from tomorrow.. My new videos will go live daily for you to go over and fully enjoy. They feature everything from beauty, makeup, fashion, lifestyle, baking, cooking, travel. It features everything basically. My new set up to film and the new way of filming I have created for my self is amazing. It most definitely feels like the type of videos I should and want to be filming. It fits in with the theme of who I am.
So watch out tomorrow is going to be starting with a BANG. I for one can not wait.
All links for new sites will be posted tomorrow. Check back tomorrow to be in with a treat.