Positive vibes & Happy Thoughts

by - March 03, 2017

Positive vibes means a happier you. I learnt this recently. I was the type of person who would get disgruntled easily as the slightest little thing. Say I saw a popular blogger post a photo and I would bloody nora thats gorgeous, I then would try to do the similar pose and my photo would look crap and I hated that. I would be annoyed easily saying why can she do it and I cant. My photos don't look as good. Blah Blah Blah. 

I then took myself away from blogging, away from everything and once I have perfected my own skill, I would come back with a bang. Which weirdly enough is something that happened. Last month I created a new blog, that was more of my style and what type of person I had emerged into. Within the time away from blogging etc.. I figured out that the style I had slowly emerged into was what I wanted to be and I felt happy and positive in this outlet. 

So since then my new blog has properly thrived, I started my blog in the middle of last month and  over 7000 of you have read and commented on my posts. Which I love. I am so appreciative of the support. I am definitely in this for the long run now and nothing is going to slow me down I'm afraid. Watch out, I'm currently creating pieces, look books, blog posts that will make you stop and read but for now. Keep those positive vibes going and be happy. 

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