
by - February 18, 2017


Well I decided because my work, life and everything has taken a turn for the better.. I would create a brand new blog to showcase my work, makeup, fashion and well.. basically my life haha.

I have decided to do daily blogging and I know its difficult but I have it all scheduled, planned, organised.. I cant think of any more words to describe it. BUT I am ready to begin.

I am going to post my social media links below, make sure you go over and follow me..

Facebook MUA page; RebeccaDaviesMUA

Snapchat; DAVRXA0102

Instagram; rebecca.lou.davies

Twitter; beccadaviesmua

YouTube; I have a youtube but because im uploading a new cover photo and changing the description and all that jazz. I will post the name as soon as its gone up.

But yes YouTube.. I spent a while creating videos for youtube and it was going swimmingly until I got a new job but because I have gone back to being part time with that.. I have free time for my blog and YouTube. I am very excited I have to say to be back creating content and doing what I love.

Happiness overload..

I hope you enjoy the new blog as much as I am going to enjoy writing and creating it.

Rebecca x

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