BE YOU - New project

by - February 23, 2017

Hi all,

I've decided to write a post on 'BE YOU'. I simply don't understand why people be little people for simply being themselves. I've seen recently a group of people mucky look and giggle about someone who walked past them with purple hair and tattoos. To me everyone has the right to be who they are, what they want to look like, what they want to eat, what they want to study. No one should make another person feel bad for being themselves. That is were the 'BE YOU' campaign comes in, I want to encourage people to go out and not care what other people think, just 'BE YOU' rself'.

I love seeing peoples individuality in the clothes they were, the makeup they wear, their hair colour to what music they listen to etc.. You could have purple hair and tattoos and that's good because its you.

I want people to either write a blog post, post a photo and add #PROJECTBEYOU so I can see them all. In a world were there is a lot of negativity why not spread a bit of happiness and not be afraid to show who you are, do what you want to and simply ' BE YOU'.

I've decided I am not going to care what people think of me anymore, I am the type of person that if someone says something negative about me. That's it I take it to heart, it ways on my mind and its with me where ever I go. Why should I be the one who changes my hair colour and people say negative things. I wear something different to what everyone else wears and why should I be bothered about what people think. If they don't like my outfit that is their opinion. Everyone has the right to their own opinion.

I'm always afraid to post selfies on snapchat or on instagram because I hate my eyes. I wear glasses and I have a turn in my left eye. Its only little but because I pointed it out on a photo, its been a negative thing weighing down on me ever since. So I've decided to learn to be happy in my own skin and come to peace with the comments made.

I knew someone once who said to alot of people I know ' Becca is so strange why does she dress like that? She thinks she likes fashion and trends but its obvious she doesnt!' This was said when I was studying a fashion and clothing course. Of course I was interested in fashion otherwise I wouldnt have joined the course but I also liked my own sense of style. At the time I really liked ankle biker boots and ripped jeans with oversized off the shoulder wooly jumpers and vintage makeup. Apparently that style didn't sit well with that certain individual. So I went back to just wearing jeans, dolly shoes and t-shirts with neutral makeup for the duration of the course. I hated it. I even at the time got a 'Frankie Sanford bob- you know the girl from The Saturdays' I loved it at the time but then I began to hate it because of comments that were made.

After I left the course I started to go back to how I liked to dress and what I was interested in. Even if it wasn't up to peoples taste, it was their own opinion and that's fine.

Eee I have another quick story from when I was in school. I really liked loafers, esoecially the ones with the fringing on the front. Baring in mind this was 2006 so I just started year 9. I thought I would buy school shoes that I loved and was comfortable with. I went to school beaming with joy to be in year 9 - the year i can picked my subjects to study for year 10 and 11, I was back about to start GCSES and bam I was hit with my first comment on my shoes. It was terrible, I went home and cried. My mum took me straight to Asda/Tesco to buy a new pair that fitted in with everyone else and what the latest school trend was. I went back the next day and everyone said lovely things on the shoes I had on, which matched everyone else. It baffled me, how everyone can be so mean. It was a pair of shoes.

I learned from that and have since gone on to wearing what I like to wear, doing my makeup how I like it and I'm not bothered what I do or what I post. As long as I don't get in trouble I'm fine. I'm still wary of how my eyes look in photo's (something I am working on liking) Can you tell I have a best side or I have a way of taking photos so its not as visible. I'm working on that.

Go on instagram and #PROJECTBEYOU or write a blog post - make sure you tag me when you post it so I can read it.

Lets empower each other to not be afraid of ourselves.

Just 'BE YOU' because why not. There is nothing better.


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